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German cockroaches grow to 1/2-5/8 inches long when mature, are light brown to tan in color, and have fully developed wings. The shield-like segment located behind the head has two dark parallel bars on it.
The nymphs are 1/8 inch long in size when they emerge from the egg capsule. They are almost uniformly dark with the exception of a light tan area on the back of the second and third segments.
The rectangle shaped egg capsules are light brown colour and are 1/4-3/4 inches long. Typically, each egg capsule has 15 to 20 eggs per side.
Scientific Name
Blattella germanica
During her lifetime, the female German cockroach produces four to eight egg capsules each containing 30 to 40 eggs. Approximately one to two days before hatching, she drops the egg capsule in a protected area. Nymphs moult six to seven times before becoming adults. This requires about 103 days; thus allowing three to four generations per year. Adults live 100 to 200 days.